AI Council Roster

The UC AI Council comprises members representing a diverse cross-section of disciplines from across the University of California system. These individuals bring their expertise and insights to foster AI initiatives that support responsible AI adoption. Explore the roster to learn more about those guiding AI innovation at UC.

Alex Bui, PhD, AI Council Co-Chair

Director, Medical & Imaging Informatics Group; Director, Medical Informatics Home Area; Professor, Departments of Radiological Sciences, Bioengineering & Bioinformatics; David Geffen Chair in Informatics

Alex Bui received his PhD in Computer Science in 2000, upon which he joined the UCLA faculty. He is now the Director of the Medical & Imaging Informatics (MII) group. His research includes informatics and data science for biomedical research and healthcare in areas related to distributed information architectures and mHealth; methodological development, application, and evaluation of artificial intelligence (AI) methods, including machine/reinforcement learning; and data visualization. His work bridges contemporary computational approaches with the opportunities arising from the breadth of biomedical observations and the electronic health record (EHR), tackling the associated translational challenges.

Dr. Bui has a long history of leading extramurally funded research, including from multiple different National Institutes of Health (NIH) institutes (NCI, NLM, NINDS, NIBIB, etc.). He was Co-Director for the NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Centers Coordination Center; and Application Lead for the NSF-funded Expeditions in Computing Center for Domain-Specific Computing (CDSC), exploring cutting-edge hardware/software techniques for accelerating algorithms used in healthcare. He led the NIH-funded Los Angeles PRISMS Center, a U54 focused on mHealth informatics. He is now Director of UCLA’s Bridge2AI Coordination Center, a landmark NIH initiative to advance the use of AI/ML methods. Dr. Bui is Program Director of multiple separate NIH TL1/T15/T32s at UCLA in the areas of biomedical informatics and data science; Director for the Medical Informatics Home Area in the Graduate Program in Biosciences; Co-Director of the Center for SMART Health; and serves at the Senior Associate Director for Informatics for UCLA’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). He also Co-Chairs the University of California (UC) AI Council.

Alexander Bustamante, AI Council Co-Chair

Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance and Audit Officer, University of California System

Alexander A. Bustamante serves as the Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance and Audit Officer for the University of California system. Leading the Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Audit Services, Mr. Bustamante oversees the University's corporate compliance, investigative, and audit programs. These programs cover critical areas like capital projects, healthcare compliance, third-party risk management, data governance, financial management, and cybersecurity.

Beyond core compliance areas, Mr. Bustamante extends his focus to emerging threats. His team has invested significant efforts in designing training programs and structures specifically for research security and emerging technologies. To address evolving compliance issues and help partner on solutions, Mr. Bustamante maintains strong working relationships with federal funding and enforcement partners.  Additionally, Mr. Bustamante's office conducts comprehensive cyber-risk audits across the UC system. These combined efforts assist UC in fortifying critical infrastructure, protecting federally funded research and securing the vast datasets used in operations and research, especially those involving machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Mr. Bustamante co-chaired the UC Presidential Working Group on Artificial Intelligence, which established guidelines for the responsible and ethical use of AI applications within the UC system. He continues to serve as the co-chair of UC’s AI Council, tasked with integrating these guidelines, developing AI risk and impact assessment strategies, and documenting the University's use of AI-enabled technologies.

Before joining the University of California, Mr. Bustamante was the Inspector General for the Los Angeles Police Department, where he provided independent oversight of the Department. He also served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Central District of California, where he tackled complex investigations involving organized crime, civil rights violations, and white-collar crimes. This work earned him the prestigious United States Attorney General's Award for Exceptional Service for his role in a landmark case, involving the federal government's first use of civil rights statutes to combat racially motivated gang violence against African Americans.

Mr. Bustamante holds a Juris Doctor degree from the George Washington University Law School and a Bachelor of Art in Rhetoric from the University of California, Berkeley.


William Allison

William Allison serves as the Chief Technology Officer at UC Berkeley where he leads the University's tech strategy including a focus on AI, cloud computing, and infrastructure standardization. He sponsors the Berkeley Changemaker Technology Innovation program and is currently an adviser to Berkeley's SkyDeck accelerator. Bill promotes effectiveness and innovation for the Berkeley campus and also helps effect change broadly across the UC-system through collaborative engagement in the UC CTO group and taking an active role on UC task forces and committees.

Simon J. Atkinson

Simon J. Atkinson serves as vice chancellor for research at the University of California, Davis. He oversees the Office of Research, with responsibility for review and acceptance of extramural research awards; research relationships with government and industry; encouraging and assisting faculty in developing research and scholarly studies; oversight of intramural research support; functional responsibility for organized research units and projects; management of certain research-related programs, instrumentation and facilities; management of several UC Natural Reserve sites; review and approval of the use of human subjects and conflict of interest disclosures; and coordination of patenting and licensing of campus intellectual property.

Jennifer Bombasaro Brady

Jennifer Bombasaro Brady is the IT Policy Program Manager at UC Berkeley. She develops and executes strategic policy priorities, provides policy counsel, and convenes and leads campus stakeholders in authoring, revising, and rescinding campus IT policies. She also guides change management efforts to implement UC-wide and Berkeley campus policy and supports BerkeleyIT's engagement in internal and UC-led audits. Jennifer has spent nearly a decade at UC Berkeley; earlier in her career, she worked at the intersection of education and social change in roles at Tulane University and civil society organizations in South Africa and Cambodia. She holds master's degrees from Harvard University and Johns Hopkins University, and a bachelor's degree magna cum laude from Wheaton College.  


Gigi Capuyan

Gigi Capuyan serves as UC’s systemwide procurement counsel. In her role Gigi supports the UC Office of the President (UCOP) and campus procurement teams to standardize policies, practices, and agreements to facilitate doing business with the University. Gigi provides guidance and advice on a broad range of procurement matters at the systemwide and campus levels, including complex contracts and related policies. Before joining UC Legal, Gigi was a Senior Attorney with Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), serving as the lead procurement counsel, supporting new business development activities, and managing SMUD’s intellectual property portfolio. Gigi previously served as a Research Policy Manager with UCOP’s Research Policy Analysis and Coordination team, advising on UC intellectual property policies and related matters. Prior to public service, Gigi worked as a patent associate for a boutique intellectual property law firm in the Silicon Valley. Gigi is a registered patent attorney with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and has a B.A. in Molecular Cell Biology from UC Berkely and a J.D. from Santa Clara University.

Christine K. Cassel

Christine K. Cassel, internist, geriatrician and bioethicist, is the Senior Advisor for Strategy and Policy in the Department of Medicine at UCSF, where she is working on biomedical ethics and the role of technology in health care including the use of patient data in big data applications such as artificial intelligence. Prior to coming to UCSF in 2018, Dr. Cassel served as Planning Dean for the new Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine. From 2013 to 2016 she was the President and CEO of the National Quality Forum, and previously served as president and CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the ABIM Foundation. Dr. Cassel was one of 20 scientists serving President Obama on the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). She is a leading expert in geriatrics and policy for an aging society, in bioethics, and in professional standards and quality of care.  In her academic career she has served as Dean of the School of Medicine at Oregon Health and Sciences University, as Chairman of the Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and Chief of General Internal Medicine at the University of Chicago. Among her many professional achievements and honors, Dr. Cassel was elected to membership of the National Academy of Medicine in 1992. She was the first woman to be President of the American College of Physicians and, subsequently, first woman Chair of the American Board of Internal Medicine. She has served as Chair of the Board of the Greenwall Foundation, a national foundation for bioethics, was the President of the American Federation for Aging Research; and was a member of the Advisory Committee to the Director at the National Institutes of Health. She currently advises a number of start-up companies using information science to advance healthcare quality. She has received numerous honorary degrees and is a Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Medicine of the U.K. and Canada. She is author of over 200 articles and author or editor of 11 books, including one of the leading textbooks in geriatric medicine, and Medicare Matters: What Geriatric Medicine Can Teach American Health Care.

Camille Crittenden

Camille Crittenden, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, and co-founder of the CITRIS Policy Lab and EDGE (Expanding Diversity and Gender Equity) in Tech at UC. She also chaired the California Blockchain Working Group (2019-20) and co-chaired the Student Experience subcommittee of the UC Presidential Working Group on Responsible AI (2020-21). Prior to coming to CITRIS in 2012, she was Executive Director of the Human Rights Center at Berkeley Law, where she helped to develop its program in human rights, technology, and digital media. She has written and spoken widely on these topics, as well as technology applications for civic engagement, government transparency and accountability, and the digital divide. She held previous positions as Assistant Dean for Development with International and Area Studies at UC Berkeley and in development and public relations at University of California Press and San Francisco Opera. She earned an MA and Ph.D. from Duke University.

David Danks

David Danks is Professor of Data Science & Philosophy and affiliate faculty in Computer Science & Engineering at University of California, San Diego. His research interests range widely across philosophy, cognitive science, and machine learning, including their intersection. Danks has examined the ethical, psychological, and policy issues around AI and robotics across multiple sectors, including transportation, healthcare, privacy, and security. He has also done significant research in computational cognitive science and developed multiple novel causal discovery algorithms for complex types of observational and experimental data. Danks is the recipient of a James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholar Award, as well as an Andrew Carnegie Fellowship. He currently serves on multiple advisory boards, including the National AI Advisory Committee.

Albert Duntugan

Albert Duntugan is the Chief Data Officer of the UCLA Health Sciences, where he leads the Office of Health Informatics & Analytics (OHIA), which is the pillar of data and analytics for the UCLA Health IT organization.  Albert works with colleagues in both health system operations and clinical research to drive advanced analytics initiatives that create value for patients, providers, and staff.  He is focused on leveraging investments made in traditional analytics to accelerate the adoption of AI in a safe and responsible manner.  Albert is committed to developing a data and analytics culture that drives progress toward health justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Matthew Gunkel

Matthew Gunkel is the Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Information Officer for the University of California, Riverside. Overseeing a period of significant change and growth at UCR, Matthew is charged with enabling support of strategic priorities, collaborative partnerships, and strengthening Information Technology Solutions through improvements in critical IT services (e.g., security, networking, teaching and learning, enterprise applications, support services, etc.).

Cora Han

Cora Han is the Chief Health Data Officer for University of California Health (UCH) and Executive Director of the Center for Data-driven Insights and Innovation (CDI2) at UCH. In her role, she develops and implements strategies for leveraging health data in responsible and innovative ways, and directs UC system-wide health data governance initiatives, including promoting the responsible deployment of artificial intelligence in healthcare. Cora joined UCH from the Federal Trade Commission’s Division of Privacy and Identity Protection where she played a leading role on health privacy matters for the Commission in both the enforcement and policy arenas. She speaks frequently on the topics of data privacy, data governance, and artificial intelligence, and has taught these topics to law students as adjunct faculty and a guest lecturer.

Coreen Harada

Coreen Harada is the Executive Director, Research & Innovation at the University of California, Office of the President. Her expertise in technology integration includes change management and workforce development. Prior to joining UC, Coreen held research leadership, program operations, and business development positions at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Coreen is a research psychologist and is a graduate of Wellesley College (BA), the California State University, Fresno (MA), and Boston University (EdD).

Matt Hicks

Matt Hicks (Subcommittee Co-chair), CIA, CISA, is the Systemwide Deputy Audit Officer for the University of California. In this role, Matt ensures overall execution of systemwide audit services, including effective resource deployment, professional development for UC audit staff, development and maintenance of methodologies and guidance, and monitoring and measurement of services. He oversees the annual systemwide risk assessment and internal audit plan development for the UC system and reports on internal activity, risk priorities, and results to the Regents Compliance and Audit Committee and systemwide leadership. Additionally, he serves as the Internal Audit Director for the Office of the President (UCOP), overseeing a team of auditors responsible for conducting audit and advisory services at UCOP. He has over 21 years of internal audit experience and, prior to joining UCOP, he was a manager in KPMG’s Advisory Services Practice in San Francisco. He is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) and has a B.S. in Business Administration from UC Berkeley.

Shanda Hunt

Shanda currently serves as the Director of Compliance at the University of California headquarters in the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services. In this compliance leadership role, she works on critical emerging issues and manages systemwide compliance experts in providing systemwide oversight in a wide variety of regulatory areas. Shanda was a founding member of the UC Presidential Working Group on Artificial Intelligence and has worked in the AI ethics and compliance space at UC since 2019. Shanda recently served as the interim Assistant Vice Chancellor of Research Compliance and Integrity at UC San Diego and has held various compliance roles at UC Berkeley and UCSF. Shanda received her BA in Anthropology with a focus on Genetics and Archaeology from the University of California at Berkeley and her Juris Doctorate from Berkeley Law, University of California at Berkeley.

Hillary Noll Kalay

Hillary Noll Kalay (Subcommittee Co-chair) is Senior Principal Counsel at the University of California’s Office of General Counsel in Oakland, California, advising UC campuses and medical centers on matters relating to clinical research, data rights, privacy, and procurement. Hillary is recognized within the UC system and nationally as an expert in privacy concerns in international and domestic clinical research, and complex data collaborations and artificial intelligence. Hillary supports UC’s institutional review boards, health care and research compliance, clinical research contracting, research policy, and privacy offices throughout the UC system, advising campuses and medical centers on FDA and OHRP regulations, HIPAA and GDPR, and standards for protecting rights to patient and research data. Prior to joining UC’s Office of General Counsel, Hillary developed and advised on UC policies relating to clinical trials and human subject research protection. Hillary previously practiced intellectual property litigation at national law firms in San Francisco. Hillary also holds a Master of Public Policy and a CIPP/US certification.

Mike Kennedy

Mike Kennedy serves as the Deputy Chief Information Officer at the University of California, Riverside. Mike boasts over two decades of leadership within the higher education landscape, primarily within the UC system. He's recognized for his strategic vision in employing IT solutions that drive institutional growth, advance student success, and amplify research capabilities. Mike possesses a deep-seated expertise in data analytics and artificial intelligence, consistently leveraging these avenues to enrich learning outcomes and bolster operational prowess. At the heart of his leadership style is an emphasis on inclusivity, fostering collaboration, and promoting an atmosphere that nurtures creativity and personal evolution. Central to his ethos is an unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, consistently championing an inclusive technology space. Mike holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from UC Riverside and an MBA in Information Management from CSU San Bernardino. Passionate and visionary, he believes in the transformative potential of technology in the realm of education.

Jonnathon Kline

Jonnathon Kline is the Systemwide Audit Director at the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services. In this role, he oversees Office of the President and systemwide internal audit projects, the systemwide audit quality assurance function, and specialized audit projects. Prior to joining the University of California, he was an audit project manager for the California State Auditor’s office and interim director of its data analytics function. He previously served as Director of Audits and Accounting for the New York City Campaign Finance Board, where he oversaw public funds paid to political campaigns through New York City’s matching funds program and assisted with the creation of NYCVotes, a clearinghouse for election information and portal for accepting individual donors’ small dollar political contributions. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner and has been a passionate advocate of public service since his first job at Grand Canyon National Park, where he worked as a wildland firefighter and served on an interagency Type II incident management team on large disasters in the Southwestern United States.

Jennifer Lofthus

Jennifer Lofthus (Subcommittee Co-chair) is the General Compliance Manager for the Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Audit Services where she oversees ADA, privacy, and general compliance matters. She leads system wide campus privacy officer and ADA coordinator committees and provides general compliance oversight in a wide variety of regulatory areas. Previously, Jennifer worked for her alma mater, UC Santa Barbara, as their ADA compliance officer, policy manager, campus privacy officer, records manager, and conflict of interest and delegations of authority coordinator. Prior to coming to the University of California, Jennifer was a civil litigator in Santa Barbara specializing in fraud, elder abuse, and disability law.

Shea Lovan

Shea Lovan currently serves as the Executive Director of Core IT Services and Chief Technology Officer at the University of California, Santa Barbara, bringing over 30 years of extensive experience in the IT field. His journey at UCSB is marked by a progression through various roles, including service as Interim Chief Information Officer. In his current position, he oversees a broad array of campus-wide IT services, leading efforts improve the information technology practice and guiding significant IT initiatives. Shea earned is Master's degree in Business Administration from Pepperdine University's Presidents and Key Executives program in 2022.

Angus MacDonald

Angus MacDonald is the Managing Counsel for Intellectual Property, Investments & Innovation in the University of California’s Office of General Counsel.  He handles a range of intellectual property issues – with a focus on copyright and trademark law – for the UC system.  He also manages a team of UC lawyers focused on intellectual property, investments, corporate and equity transactions, and related subject matter.  Before joining the Office of General Counsel, Angus was an in-house lawyer at several technology companies in the Silicon Valley, including as the General Counsel of a digital music service.  He began his legal career at the intellectual property firm, Townsend and Townsend and Crew (now known as Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton), where he became a partner.  He obtained his undergraduate degrees from UC San Diego and his law degree from UC Davis.  Angus is the most recent past chair of the California Lawyers Association’s copyright interest group.

Sajjad Martin

Sajjad Matin serves as UC’s systemwide cybersecurity counsel. Sajjad advises UC campuses and health centers on emergent issues related to technology and policy. Sajjad also serves as legal support to the Office of Information Technology Services and advises UC stakeholders on a broad range of cybersecurity matters, including incident response and vendor risk. Prior to his arrival at UC, Sajjad served as a federal prosecutor in Miami, Florida, where he focused on investigating and prosecuting cybercrimes. Sajjad’s experience includes civil enforcement as an attorney with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Prior to public service, Sajjad worked in the Silicon Valley as an intellectual property attorney. Sajjad is a graduate of UC Berkeley School of Law, as well as Johns Hopkins University and MIT.

Bill Maurer

Bill Maurer is the Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Professor of Anthropology; Law; and Criminology, Law and Society. Professor Maurer is the Director of the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion. He received his BA from Vassar College and his MA and PhD from Stanford University. In 2016, he was named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 2018, he was named a Filene Fellow. Professor Maurer is a cultural anthropologist and sociolegal scholar who conducts research on the technological infrastructures and social relations of exchange and payment. He has particular expertise in alternative and experimental forms of money and finance, payment technologies, and their legal implications.

Sesh Murthy

Sesh Murthy is a Computational Data Science researcher at the UCSD Halicioglu Data Science Institute. He is using AI to help improve student outcomes. Prior to this Sesh has built and nurtured successful businesses in AI, security, automated IT operations, & migrating customers to the cloud. Sesh was a Research Staff Member AI group, IBM T. J. Watson Research center where he built and deployed AI systems using multi-agent architectures directed by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). These systems were fielded at multiple paper and steel mills to improve productivity, reduce tardiness, and improve quality. Sesh co-founded Cloud Raxak, a leading edge company to automate security operations. Cloud Raxak customers include the largest payment processor in the world. Sesh was the dean of computer science and software engineering at the Western Governors University. Prior to this Sesh held several roles as Vice President at IBM Global Services. He was responsible for IBM  Cloud Managed Services, and for the first version of the IBM cloud. He helped several large customers move securely to the cloud. Prior to this Sesh was an executive in the IBM Software Group. Sesh holds a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University, an MS from Ohio State University, and a B. Tech from IIT Kanpur. Sesh holds over 20 patents, and was a winner of the AAAI best paper award and the Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice from INFORMS. Sesh enjoys mentoring underprivileged kids through YPIE.

Camille Nebeker

Camille Nebeker, EdD, MS, is a Professor in the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science at UC San Diego. Dr. Nebeker directs the UC San Diego Research Ethics Program and is voting faculty with the UC San Diego Design Lab. She co-founded and directs the UC San Diego ReCODE Health center, which provides education and consultation services to guide ethical practices in technology-supported health research. Dr. Nebeker applies a human centered design approach to inform ethical and responsible practices in digital health research including risk assessment, informed consent and the return of individual and group-level research results. Dr. Nebeker’s research has received support from federal, foundation and industry sources including the NSF, NIH, Office of Research Integrity and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Publications related to her work are accessible online.

Brandie Nonnecke

Brandie Nonnecke, PhD is Founding Director of the CITRIS Policy Lab, headquartered at UC Berkeley. She is an Associate Research Professor at the Goldman School of Public Policy (GSPP) where she directs the Tech Policy Initiative, a collaboration between CITRIS and GSPP to strengthen tech policy education, research, and impact. Brandie is the Director of Our Better Web, a program that supports empirical research, policy analysis, training, and engagement to address the rise of online harms. She serves as co-director at the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology at Berkeley Law and the UC Berkeley AI Policy Hub. Brandie is the host of TecHype, a groundbreaking video and audio series that debunks misunderstandings around emerging technologies and explores effective technical and policy strategies to harness emerging technologies for good. Her research has been featured in Science, Wired, NPR, BBC News, MIT Technology Review, Buzzfeed News, among others. Her research articles, op-eds, and presentations are available at

Pegah Parsi

Pegah Parsi is the inaugural chief privacy officer for the UC San Diego campus where she spearheads the privacy and data protection efforts for the research, educational, and service enterprise. She is passionate about data ethics and privacy as human rights and civil liberties issues and is an advocate for the idea that privacy requires much more than legal compliance. She provides thought leadership on privacy values, ethical frameworks, governance, and philosophy.

Pegah manages a complex portfolio of privacy initiatives related to employees, students, applicants, alumni, and research participants and provides guidance on AI and privacy laws and regulations, such as the GDPR, FERPA, HIPAA, PIPL, California privacy laws, and research privacy/Common Rule. Her day may involve anything from a consult on license plate readers to research involving smart devices to using AI and predictive analytics in support of student success.

Prior to San Diego, Pegah was a privacy manager at Stanford University, focusing on medical studies and international collaborations. She is an attorney and holds an MBA. In her spare time, she volunteers for the #AfghanEvac coalition as the Chief Privacy Officer and serves as the Vice Chair of the City of San Diego’s Privacy Advisory Board. She is a Veteran, who, among other things, was the Honor Grad of Army Truck Driver school!

Kyhm Penfil

Kyhm Penfil is Principal Campus Counsel at UC Irvine, where she provides strategic and crisis-response advice to senior leadership at the campus and across the UC system. Her advice focuses on compliance and risk (including cybersecurity, privacy, enterprise risk, and research compliance); strategy (including AI, data governance, ethics and innovation, and entrepreneurship) and human capital (including conflict of interest, crisis management, sexual misconduct, and DEI). She serves as problem solver, honest broker, business partner, legal counselor, and inspector general. Prior to joining the University, Ms. Penfil was a partner at Irell & Manella LLP, where her practice focused on IP litigation and complex business litigation at the trial and appellate level, and an art historian at the Wildenstein gallery. She is an enthusiastic learner, strategic thinker, creative problem solver, and expert counselor who effectively brokers consensus that produces results. Ms. Penfil serves or has served on the boards of the Orange County Bar Association, Anti-Defamation League, and UCI Beall Applied Innovation. She will travel anywhere to see a great building or work of art. Ms. Penfil is an alumna of USC’s Gould School of Law (J.D., Order of the Coif) and Wellesley College (A.B.).


Joe Sabado

Joe Sabado, Deputy Chief Information Officer at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), leads teams supporting various critical services, including student and financial information systems, data services/business intelligence, student services, and application development. Joe leads the campus data governance initiative and co-directs UCSB AI Community of Practice. In addition, he serves as a co-leader of the Educause AI Community.

A proud UCSB alumnus, Joe earned his Political Science degree with a minor in Asian American Studies. He later enhanced his educational background by obtaining an MBA from Capella University and completing executive programs at both UC Berkeley Haas School of Business and the UC IT Leadership Academy.

As an immigrant and first-generation professional, Joe champions diversity, equity, and inclusion in various roles at UCSB. With 28 years of experience at the university, he mentors staff and students  and has advised multiple student organizations. Joe also speaks at high school outreach programs and conferences, sharing his journey as a marginalized student and professional to serve as a "possibility model" for others.

Throughout his career, Joe has leveraged his unique background and experiences to foster an inclusive environment in higher education IT, inspiring the next generation of diverse leaders in the field.

Scott Seaborn

Scott Seaborn is a Principal Investigator at the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services. Scott has worked in the privacy and compliance fields for over 20 years, including positions at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights (OCR); UCSF, County of Napa; and Genentech, Inc. While at OCR, Scott was part of the initial investigative team tasked with enforcing HIPAA, when enforcement of the HIPAA Privacy Rule began in the early 2000’s, and he has been passionate about protecting the privacy rights of individuals ever since. Scott has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from UCLA and Master’s Degree in Pacific International Affairs from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). He is also certified in Healthcare Compliance – Privacy (CHC-P), by the Healthcare Compliance Association (HCCA).

Justin Sullivan

Justin Sullivan (Subcommittee Co-chair) is the Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Procurement Officer for Supply Chain Management (SCM) at the University of California, San Francisco. SCM is responsible for helping UCSF faculty, staff and learners procure, pay for and receive the goods and services they need to advance health worldwide. Justin was previously Director of Strategic Sourcing at UCSF from 2011-2013. Prior to UCSF, Justin was Executive Director of the Strategic Sourcing Centers of Excellence at University of California Office of the President. UC Strategic Sourcing Agreements have provided over $1.5 billion in benefit to UC and are used by more than 2000 US public agencies. Justin began his career as a Policy Analyst for the United States Office of Management and Budget during the Clinton Administration. He spent 10 years with Ariba, helping global companies apply technology to strategic sourcing and procurement and served as the Director of Procurement Services at Carnegie Mellon University before joining UCSF. Justin currently serves on the University of California’s Presidential Artificial Intelligence Council as the Co-Chair of the Risk Subcommittee. He also serves as the co-Chair of the National Association for Educational Procurement Editorial Committee. Justin holds a BS and an MS in Public Management and Policy from Carnegie Mellon University. Connect with Justin on LinkedIn.

Duygu Tosun-Turgut

Duygu Tosun-Turgut, PhD, is a Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at UCSF and the Founding Director of Medical Imaging Informatics and Artificial Intelligence at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Dr. Tosun-Turgut obtained her BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bilkent University, Turkey in 1999, and she received her MSE in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University, Maryland in 2001. In 2003, she completed her MA in Mathematics from The Johns Hopkins University, and she earned her PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University in 2005, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in Neurology from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2008. Her independent research career began as a Research Scientist at the Center for Imaging Neurodegenerative Diseases (CIND) at UCSF, followed by a faculty appointment at the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at UCSF in 2011. Since her initial faculty appointment at UCSF, she was first appointed as Co-Director of CIND and then transitioned to the Founding Director of the Medical Imaging Informatics and Artificial Intelligence.

Han Mi Yoon-Wu

Han Mi Yoon-Wu is the Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions for the University of California system. She has worked in admissions at the University of California Office of the President for 23 years and became the chief admissions officer in 2018. During her tenure at UC, she has played a vital role developing and implementing admissions policies for the University of California and provided leadership on several technology projects. As a first generation college graduate, she has dedicated her professional career to promoting access to higher education for students from all walks of life. Ms. Yoon-Wu holds degrees from Drake University and Stanford University.

Zulema Valdez

Zulema Valdez is Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Equity, Justice, and Inclusive Excellence at UC Merced and Professor of Sociology. In her role as interim AVC, she is committed to developing sustainable initiatives focused on equity and inclusive excellence for and across our campus community. Professor Valdez's research interests center on the emergence, persistence, and reproduction of social inequality and stratification in the United States, particularly in institutions such as the labor market, higher education, and neighborhoods. She is an expert in the study of undocumented students in higher education, minoritized entrepreneurs, and immigrant health disparities; a program of research she approaches from an intersectional lens. She is the author of two books, an anthology; several edited volumes and dozens of research articles.

Melissa Waver

Melissa Waver is a research policy manager in UCOP’s Research Policy Analysis and Coordination office. In this role, Melissa develops tools and advises on a variety of research administration matters including extramural funding proposals and awards, federal regulations, non-profit sponsored projects and clinical trial agreements.  She has been a university research administration professional for 10 years. Prior to joining RPAC, Melissa worked in the Sponsored Projects Office at UC Santa Barbara as a sponsored projects officer. She has experience in several aspects of research administration, including pre-award, award negotiation, regulatory compliance implementation and non-financial post-award management.

Van Williams

Van Williams (Subcommittee Co-chair) is the Vice President of Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer for the University of California, a $40+ billion-dollar enterprise that spans ten campuses and six health care systems. As the UC CIO, Van serves as the university’s chief IT leader and strategist, collaborating with campus and health CIOs, and other leaders across the UC system. Van also oversees IT related strategic priorities for the UC Office of the President (UCOP). Prior to UCOP, Van was the Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Strategic Initiatives at UC Santa Cruz (UCSC), and served as the campus Cyber-Risk Responsible Executive. Van oversaw UCSC’s $800M technology organization, and led a staff of 250. Before joining the UC system, Van spent more than 15 years at New York University in various senior roles, including Chief Information Officer for NYU’s Stern School of Business. He has an MBA in finance, entrepreneurship and marketing from Stern, and a bachelor’s degree from NYU, where he majored in classical civilization and minored in chemistry. Van is deeply committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and believes higher education is a key driver toward the creation of a healthy society.


Andrew Jan is Administrative Manager and Special Assistant to Senior Vice President Alexander Bustamante in the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services, UCOP. Andrew holds a master’s degree in Middle Eastern History (UCLA), master’s degree in Middle Eastern Studies (University of Texas), and bachelor’s degrees in History and Political Science (UCSD). He studied intensive Modern and Ottoman Turkish in Turkey and Modern Standard and Egyptian Colloquial Arabic in Egypt and Oman.