AI Communities

Harnessing our diverse communities to accelerate AI impact responsibly.

Guided by the work of the UC AI Council, the University of California’s AI Communities unite the talent and expertise across our ten campuses, six academic medical centers, and three national labs. These communities help seamlessly integrate UC’s Responsible AI Principles into the application of AI in our operations while fostering goals specific to their domains. Whether advancing AI learning and innovation on a campus, navigating AI’s evolving legal landscape, or collaborating on systemwide AI projects, our AI Communities drive ethical, effective, and impactful AI use across the UC.

UC AI Council 

Chaired by Alex Bui and Alexander Bustamante, the UC AI Council was established at the recommendation of the Presidential Working Group on Artificial Intelligence, which released its final report in October 2021. The AI Council's primary goals and activities include:

  • Integrating the UC Responsible AI Principles: The AI Council focuses its efforts on integration of the UC Responsible AI Principles into the university’s operations through training, outreach, and awareness. These principles emphasize transparency, fairness, accountability, privacy, and non-discrimination, among others, and aim to ensure ethical and effective AI usage across the university system.

  • Promoting Ethical AI Use: The AI Council promotes the ethical use of AI by developing risk and impact assessment strategies for AI technologies. It aims to document AI tools that pose significant risks to individual rights, ensuring transparency and accountability in their deployment. 

  • Systemwide Coordination and Location and Domain-Specific Councils: To further the principles and guidance provided by the Presidential Working Group, the AI Council encourages and fosters the establishment of campus-level and domain-specific councils and coordinates systemwide efforts to maintain consistency.

The AI Council is presently composed of three subcommittees: The Risk Assessment, Transparency, and Knowledge, Skills, and Awareness Committees. 

Location AI Communities 

Location AI Communities enhance local collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation among campus community members interested in AI. They promote interdisciplinary engagement through events, resources, and initiatives, and support the responsible application of AI across various fields. By fostering connections and providing a platform for continuous learning, these AI  communities empower their members to contribute to the broader AI landscape.

Santa Barbara 

Have a question about the AI Council or want to get involved? Please contact us.

AI Council Leadership

Alex Bui, PhD, Co-chair. Director, Medical & Imaging Informatics Group Director, Medical Informatics Home Area Professor, Departments of Radiological Sciences, Bioengineering & Bioinformatics David Geffen Chair in Informatics.

Alexander Bustamante, Co-chair. Senior Vice President, Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services, University of California, Office of the President.

AI Council Full Membership Roster

AI Council Charge