AI Council Subcommittees

The UC AI Council's three Subcommittees—Knowledge, Skills, and Awareness; Risk Assessment; and Transparency—play a pivotal role in advancing the implementation of the UC Responsible AI Principles. They foster a comprehensive understanding of AI technologies, ensuring the university community is well-prepared for the evolving AI landscape. Through their strategic guidance and support, the UC system is better equipped to leverage AI technologies in alignment with our values and mission.

Knowledge, Skills and Awareness

The AI Council Subcommittee on Knowledge, Skills, and Awareness (KSA) is tasked with implementing an AI training strategy based on recommendations from the Presidential Working Group’s Final Report and other initiatives determined by the AI Council in response to the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

The KSA focuses on developing, coordinating, and promoting comprehensive engagement and learning programs for the UC system. These programs aim to identify, create, and disseminate best practices for AI development, deployment, and utilization across UC, in alignment with the UC AI Principles and in support of UC’s mission of teaching, research, and public service.

Key focus areas of the KSA Subcommittee include:

  1. General Training on AI: Providing foundational knowledge and skills for understanding and working with AI technologies.

  2. Domain-Specific Training: Connecting UC to specialized training opportunities tailored to various disciplines, including guidance on responsibly harnessing the power of AI.

  3. Dissemination of News, Events, and Guidance: Sharing up-to-date information, events, and best practices related to AI within the UC community.

Through these initiatives, the KSA aims to foster a knowledgeable and engaged community that is well-equipped to navigate, contribute to, and harness the evolving field of AI application in higher education.

Risk Assessment

The AI Council Subcommittee on Risk Management is tasked with developing a framework for assessing and managing the risks associated with AI-enabled technologies. The membership of the Subcommittee includes a multi-disciplinary collection of staff and faculty from multiple campuses, administrative functions, and academic disciplines. The Subcommittee’s primary goal is to help stakeholders across the University of California understand and assess the risk associated with the use of artificial intelligence, identify strategies to mitigate risk, and connect to the appropriate resources to help address risk.

Of particular interest to the Subcommittee are:

  1. Understanding AI risk: Educating leadership teams about how AI-associated risks should inform their decision making.
  2. Streamlining assessment: Helping IT and Procurement professionals support risk mitigation in the procurement, deployment, and on-going operation of AI-enabled applications.


The AI Council Subcommittee on Transparency focuses on fostering transparency within the University of California community, and to the public, regarding UC’s current and potential uses of AI. By enhancing transparency, UC aims to better assess potential risks and opportunities, evaluate experiences and outcomes and inform future initiatives that ensure responsible AI use and promote efficiency, civil liberties, autonomy and equitable outcomes.

Transparency Committee Goals and Outcomes:

  1. Assess AI Usage: Understand the ways in which artificial intelligence is being utilized at UC, especially in high-impact areas affecting individuals or university resources.
  2. Vendor and Supplier Guidance: Develop guidelines and safeguards for transparency from UC vendors and suppliers, particularly regarding AI tools they offer to UC and their use of UC data in developing and improving AI tools.
  3. UC AI Development Practices: Establish guidelines, including guardrails, for transparency in UC’s development and deployment of AI.

We value your feedback!

Please let us know if you have an idea or suggestion for one of our AI Council Subcommittees by filling out this feedback form